1. Relationship with clients
    • We offer solid guarantees to our clients of the quality of our products and services, competitive prices and time certain in the delivery.
    • We pursue clients’ loyalty implementing the best practices in our organisation and offering products and services answering to our clients’ needs.

  2. Relationship with services and product suppliers
    • We develop a natural selection of our suppliers, as a result of our accumulated experience in more than 30 years.
    • We have a vast base of providers of services and products built upon reciprocal trust.

  3. Relationship with human resources
    • We train our HR continuously pursuing excellence in all our processes.
    • We built strong relationships with our HR based upon the principles of rigor, commons sense and team building.

  4. Relationship with financial partners
    • We stimulate a close and transparent relationship with our financial partners.
    • We assure the support of our financial partners through the timely and full compliance of our obligations and the stability of our business, operation and financial condition.

  5. Relationship with competitors
    • We value strongly fair competition for the benefit of our clients.
    • We respect our competitors as they also have a role as our business partners.